Hello everyone, I'm the author of This website named Qiu Skill. Now I am working at a company in Hangzhou as a Python back-end engineers, as usual, my mainly work is design and write APIs based on requirements. We have a project on internet calld xcreditwatch, it's a website powered by Django, I'm responsible for the back-end APIs and a little bit of the front-end.

  I have 5 years of working experience, when I finished my junior year, I began to work as an intern in Suzhou, time passed py quickly, two years in a flash, I also ended my one-year internship early became a regular employee and signed a one-year contract.The contract expired two years ago, but I don't want to still stay at that company, although I work happy that, and the relationships among us are very good, but why I want to leave that company? One hand There is not a single girl, I had just graduated for a year and was single that time, I was looking forward to find a girl to be my girlfriend, but that company keeps only male employees, so I have no hope of getting off. The other hand, I ran into a bottleneck at my technical level, and I tried to breakthrough it, but finally I found I can not improve my professional skills at that company, so I wanna leave there and go to another environment to work and study better. There is a word said in China, "Heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below". So,I wonder if I could go to Hangzhou for some development, I am a programer, and Alibaba is in Hangzhou, maybe I can have a try.

  Now I have worked at xQuant for 3 years. Here, I need to write back-end code, do server and database maintenance, do project deployment, involve a little front-end, and sometimes travel to the project site, and of cause, there are many girls in our part, but I still keep single, too busy, and none of them is single. In fact I just had a failed relationship, so I can not start a new relationship right now.

  Actually, I'm looking for new job opportunities right now, I do not want to stay here either, because I don't share the same philosophy as the current team, This makes me unhappy, in my opinion, We should improve the functionality and efficiency of the product and make it a good user experience, but our team just thinks our product is good enough, so I think here will limit my development. So I will keep update my Resume on the website, contact me if there are someone thinks that there's a job for me. And you can also contact me if you want to introduce me to a girlfriend


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