
  • Gender: Male
  • WeChat: q17jxcc1111
  • Graduate: Tongling College
  • Phone: 17367124310
  • Education: Bachelor
  • Current Address: Hangzhou

   Job Intension

    Target Position: Python Developmental Engineer

   Work Experiences

  • 2018-8 ~ So Far xQuant Co.,Ltd Senior Python Developmental Engineer
  • ➢  The Backend development、code optimization of Backend interface、write and summarize documentation of APIs
  • ➢  Database and server management and maintenance
  • ➢  Relevant data crawling and analysis on business requirements and project anti-crawling strategy formulation

  • 2016-6~2018-7 SupplyFrame China Python Developmental Engineer
  • ➢  The Backend development、code optimization of Backend interface、write and summarize documentation of APIs
  • ➢  Crawls and maintains raw data in data center
  • ➢  Research and development of web page information extraction technology

   Professional Skill

  • ➢  4 years of Python development experience, with Python Web development as the main direction, and crawler experience. During my work, I could use Go, C, shell and other languages to complete relevant requirements in special situations;
  • ➢  Proficient in web development using Django and Flask frameworks, proficient in the idea of ORM and front and back end separation;
  • ➢  Proficient in Linux development, can write simple shell script, proficient in Git version control system;
  • ➢  Proficient in ApacheNGINX Web server, proficient in using uWsgi and Gunicorn to complete relevant deployment independently;
  • ➢  Proficient in Web development process and MVC design pattern, can be skilled in writing RESTful STYLE API;
  • ➢  Skilled use of MySQL, Oracle, Redis database, and can complete simple SQL tuning according to requirements;
  • ➢  Skilled use of numpy and pandas for data analysis;
  • ➢  Can skillfully use HTML, CSS, JS and other front-end technologies, familiar with HTTP protocol;
  • ➢  Familiar with Scrapy, Scrapy-Redis frameworks and Requests, selenium modules, familiar with developing and responding to common anti-crawling strategies;
  • ➢  Familiar with C, Golang, Rust and other language programming language foundation;

   Experience In Project

xCreditWatch System

  • Descriptions:
  •    xCreditWatch is an intelligent credit risk warning system developed by xQuant by combining its practical project experience accumulated in the field of credit risk management with its own financial and technology research team and artificial intelligence. Its main function is to accurately, timely and efficiently identify default signs in the bond market.。

  • Responsibilities:
  • ➢  Interact with the front-end algorithm model staff according to product requirements
  • ➢  Back-end interface design, testing, debugging and code performance tuning
  • ➢  Optimize the back-end interface and database interaction mode
  • ➢  Backend interface deployment and maintenance, and backend interface version management
  • Technical Essential:
  • ➢  Django REST Framework is adopted to conduct data serialization in accordance with REST coding style
  • ➢  Django ORM is replaced by native SQL to improve interface and database interaction efficiency
  • ➢  Use Linux + Nginx + uWsig to complete the back-end interface deployment
  • ➢  Redis cache is used to complete the multi-dimensional filtering function of corresponding function points

xCreditWatch Risk Correlation Insight system

  • Descriptions:
  •    This project is a subsystem of xCreditWatch system, which contains corporate correlation insight and portfolio correlation insight, which is used to facilitate the attention to the public opinion status of each company and its affiliates, and can establish corporate portfolio to comprehensively observe the public opinion risk of each company.This project is a cooperative project with Ant Financial. Ant Financial provides data model, and our team carries out model training and completes data analysis and persistence.

  • Responsibilities:
  • ➢  Communicate data interaction format with the front end according to product requirements
  • ➢  Communicate with Ant Financial team according to functional requirements of product manager
  • ➢  Complete the corresponding demo data cleaning and persistence according to the data format requirements
  • ➢  Complete the back-end interface design and interface documentation according to the corresponding requirements
  • Technical Essential:
  • ➢  Use MongoDB to complete the storage of demo data provided by Ant Financial
  • ➢  Use pandas,numpy to complete demo data analysis and persist to Oracle
  • ➢  Flask framework is used to quickly build rest-style backend API
  • ➢  Prevent SQL injection and CSRF cross-domain attacks

Bank of China System Inside Crawler

  • Descriptions:
  •    Bank of China is xQuant credit line department's customers, including Bank of China bought xQuant credit line department of a product, because the Bank of China internal to the database connection control is very strict, for the convenience of doing a collection of related data and statistics, and invited me department to seek help, I took part in the project and responsible for the corresponding data of crawl and analysis summary.

  • Responsibilities:
  • ➢  Analyze the page structure and anti-crawling strategy according to the system page
  • ➢  Crawl the corresponding data according to the demand and complete the data cleaning
  • ➢  Complete the correlation analysis of crawled data and generate the corresponding standard report
  • Technical Essential:
  • ➢  Using Redis storage requires crawling the list of products to achieve distributed crawling
  • ➢  Selenium + Chromedriver is used to implement dynamic HTML fetching
  • ➢  Use pandas and numpy to complete data analysis and Excel operation to generate standard reports


  • Descriptions:
  •    GetWay is a question-and-answer platform similar to Zhihu and also contains GetMall. The main structure of the website is similar to Zhihu, and the mall part is similar to most e-commerce platforms.

  • Responsibilities:
  • ➢  Communicate data interaction format with the front end according to product requirements
  • ➢  Achieve user login, registration functions
  • ➢  Add module of goods on mall home page
  • ➢  Question and answer page, classification, tagging function
  • ➢  Integrated third party login
  • Technical Essential:
  • ➢  Django REST Framework is adopted to conduct data serialization in accordance with REST coding style
  • ➢  Use Django ORM to interact with database information
  • ➢  User authentication system, based on the user system that comes with Django, OAuth2.0 authentication is extended to support third-party login
  • ➢  Reference Redis to complete Django caching, follow the principles of caching, speed up the site open speed

   Self Assessment

  • ➢  Lively and cheerful, humorous and confident, good at communicating with others, but relatively slow
  • ➢  Detail-oriented, slightly obsessive-compulsive to code style
  • ➢  The work is demanding, almost demanding
  • ➢  I'm low-key, but I don't mind showing off

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Link of this article:https://work.lynchow.com/article/resume_en/